
family roots

Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated with my family history. Earlier this week I received an e-mail from ancestry.com informing me about the premiere of their new show Who Do You Think You Are? on NBC. According to NBC, the series leads celebrities on a journey of self-discovery as they unearth their family trees that reveal surprising, inspiring and even tragic stories that often are linked to crucial events in American history. First up? None other than the beloved Sarah Jessica Parker. I immediately grabbed my remote control, searched the guide menu and my good friend TiVo agreed to record the first episode on Friday night! 

Is anyone else into this? If so, check out or create your family tree on ancestry.com 


  1. This program has been around in the uk for a while, it is fabulous and very interesting, Kim Catral was a particularly good one, if you can find it online, take a look, very moving and you can see how it does infact shape the people we are today! Hope I can get the SJP one online over here!

  2. cremedecassie2: Thanks so much for your comment! So glad to see I have a reader on here besides my mother! I will definitely try to find the Kim Catral episode... Keep the comments coming! Thanks for reading!
